400+ Online CE Courses: $195 Unlimited Access!

Access over 400 Online CE Courses with one annual fee of $95, and find exactly the courses that support your career path and ensure you're up-to-date with your CEU requirements.

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Find exactly what you need

100% Online CE Courses Designed with you and your schedule in mind

  • Registered Nurses (RN)
  • Certified Nursing assistants (CNA)
  • Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
  • Medical Assistants (MA)
  • Patient Care Techniques (PCT)
  • Housekeeping
  • Other Clinical Specialties
Only $195 for annual access to thousands of dollars of CE courses!


Which courses are right for you?

With over 400 courses to choose from, there are endless opportunities to add to your skills set and build your continuing education credit hours to ensure your certification compliance. We can help you find the courses that are best for your career.

These are the Top 10 Courses by healthcare facility type: 

nurse wrapping wrist

These courses are designed for healthcare workers in various settings including:

Specialty Centers
Community Health Centers
Urgent Care Centers
Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Physician Office/Specialist
Long-Term Care/Assisted Living

MedTrainer courses help you fulfill your required CE unit hours with hundreds of courses to choose from.


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Medtrainer makes training more effective using the latest educational research in their medical training platform. They utilize technological techniques designed specifically for the healthcare industry. Training online is easy with their micro-learning approach, which involves mini lessons broken into digestible chunks. This is one of the most effective approaches to training for long-term retention of detailed information.